Directions:1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory you have of me. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. Unless you don't have a blog or don't want to play (say so in your comment) and I would love to leave one about you in my blog. Good? Good.
posted by Sydney at 11:16 AM on Jul 18, 2008
Okay now for a memory about me in the comment section below.. Gina.....Okay GO !!
Back yard studio 1988ish.
I don't blog, but I do remember you made a tent out of your blanket and read with a flashlight so I could sleep. Ah, the joys of sharing a room with your sister.
Oh that is so funny. I do rememeber that. I tried to be a good sister. Ha !!
Well, sadly I have a terrible memory from when I was little. And I feel like this thing should spark old school memories. Pressure!
But I do remember you guys all sitting around grandma's table playing trivial pursuit - or setting up the video camera to take time lapsed moments during dinners.
other obvious memories are of you taking pictures - duh! the art of taking family pictures is fun in our family! Good times even taking pictures! And we all appreciate you!
Or showing Scott pictures and videos the summer of 98 when we were all in so. cal for a bit.
'look at me" :)
I totally remember you letting me look through the video camera and not being able to touch it. I thought that was such a big deal.
I also remember your lighting set up in the back yard of grandma and grandpas house for family pictures.
We were in your brown car going up a really steep hill in laguna a LONG time ago.
And I remember once coming back to the beach from the rocks/tide pools by the castle and you were sitting on a beach towel waiting for us.
Love you!!!
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