This is the wedding photo of Elizabeth Beth and Charles William Lifer. They were married on Dec 31st in 1879 outside of Hammond, Kansas. The minister came from Fort Scott, Kansas. On the marriage license he wrote that he vouched for her being over 18. She was born at Fort Scott in 1862. Her father Richard Beth died just before she was born. He died wile serving in the Civil War with a volunteer regiment out of Fort Scott. He had served as a US Army Dragoon since their inception in 1833. They had two children Carrie who was born about 1884 and lived for four years. They had a second daughter Pearlie Mae Lifer. Pearlie had a son in 1907. Charles Edward Lifer had two children Dorothy May Lifer and Charles Laverne Lifer with Mary Griffiths. He had a son William Robert Lifer with Edna ...She died in a car accident. He had another daughter Elizabeth Ann Lifer with Ceclia. I am Elizabeth Beth and Charles William Lifer's great grand daughter. They lived on a farm in the Hammond, Kansas Area.