Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dad herded cows from The River Farm to the Petersburg Farm in 1950 when they bought the new place. He moved them a few miles on the road on a horse. Not as far as Texas cattle ranchers would have done but dusty and hot. They kept stopping to eat. It was not a fun as it sounded. Keeping them moving. Keeping them from straying off. No help either. It was just him. The sale was registered on August 26th of 1950.

These are just some pretty horses on the farm north of the Petersburg farm. I used to love horses. When we were there the biggest thing that happened in the week and a few days we would be there was riding Susie Que my Aunt Kathleen's horse. You had to wait until Dad and Grandpa would stop whatever they were up to to go catch the horses so we could saddle them up so we could ride. The other horse was Trixie. She was wilder than Susie. Susie would let us put four or five cousins on her when Kathleen was there when were were really little. Later Scott would ride Trixie by himself and Tracy and I would ride Susie. One time Susie decided to take a dip in the pond while we were on her. Scott was literally out in the field gallopping his horse and waving his hat and saying yee haw. He didn't hear us and we were scared and Tracy was crying. My heart was pounding cause I / we saw a snack with a mouse in it's mouth swimming toward us.

Grandma Bert liked Queen Anne's Lace. She had on some drinking glasses.

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