Tuesday, July 8, 2008

With Diane and Paige July 6th, 2008

We drove out to see Diane and Paige in Rancho Cucamonga on Sunday where we always meet because it is half way between our houses. We got the Spaghetti Factory restuaunt shift supervisor to take this of us. When you've known each other since 1967 you start to look alike, kind of cheery. Mom said Paige looks alot like Diane when she was that age. We shopped at Dress Barn and went to Starbuck's. Good Times.

We also went to visit the Wilson's we didn't have the camera with us. They are doing okay. Good friends. They don't drive anymore. Their house is just the same. They had their 60th wedding anniversary in 2007. They had a party. They have a whole bunch of grand children.
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1 comment:

Carrie said...

Looks like you guys had fun. Good trip! glad grandma got to see her friends! Was the air smokey then? It was terrible for us up north.